linear position sensor / non-contact / laser triangulation / with SSI interface
0.5 - 200 mm | LAM series
INO Group
Contact / non-contact:
laser triangulation
Output signal:
with SSI interface
The LAM laser sensors by WayCon are useful for touchless position, or presence measuring of objects. These utilize the triangulation method for measuring.
The laser beam hits the object as a small spot, and the sensor's receiver determines the position of this spot. The connection of the angles is used for calculating the distance.
The possible resolution and the accuracy change together with the distance. For example, if d is next to the sensor, it creates a large change to the angle a1. But if d is farther away, the change to the angle is much smaller in a2.
The center of the measuring range is the source distance. A light spot is focused on the object measured. The unit has a maximum resolution of 0.2 µm, and a maximum linearity of ±1 µm. The unit provides a protection class of IP64 for sensor, and IP40 for electronics.